新プロジェクト旗揚げのお知らせ/Launch of the new project is revealed!


【One world, One baseball】







合言葉は、#NO_BORDERZ だ。




※「NO BORDERZ」というプロジェクト名には、既存の枠組みや概念に囚われず新しいムーブメントを起こしていきたいという思いが込められています。ゆくゆくは野球を中核としつつ、様々な文化と結びついたジャンルレスな企画を、精力的に手掛けていく予定です。

【NO BORDERZ フォトブック(仮称)共同製作者大募集!】


・条件: プロジェクトの趣旨に共鳴し、画像提供のみに限らず主体的に携わって頂ける方

・募集人数: 若干名(日本国外からも協力者を募集予定の為)

・応募可能点数: お一人様1〜4点程度

・応募方法: 掲載を希望する画像を添付の上、「氏名」「連絡先」「簡単なプロフィール」を記入しglobalbaseball532@gmail.comまでご一報ください。




We Global Baseball are proud to announce the launch of new project "NO BORDERZ photobook."

【One world, One baseball】

122. This is the number of countries which belongs to WBSC.

Each nations has their own baseball culture. Respective countries has their respective "original scenery of baseball."

But how far do we baseball people know about each other?

The huge "festival" to gather the whole world will arrive in 3 years.

Why don't we share our own baseball culture before this special opportunity?

We don't need any national border for baseball.


【Overview of the project】

We will create a photobook which features "The original scenery of international baseball." The book itself will be created with 128×182mm size and about 40 pages. From where these each photos came (Japan, Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania) or the featured category, and the difference of professional or amateur are all unquestioned.

Each "photographer" will earn 1~4 pages each, and the profile will be inserted under the photo. We are looking forward to working with these supporters not only as a provider but as a collaborator.

The project name "NO BORDERZ" stands for our passion to create a new movement regardless of existing framework or concept. We are going to work on some other new projects which unites baseball and culture.

【We are looking for some collaborators!!】

Why don't you join us to create a brand new photobook with a new concept which nobody has worked on before?

Notice: We are looking for a person who can co-work together and not just being a provider of these photos.

Please send us your name, e-mail address and your brief profile to "globalbaseball532@gmail.com" Don't forget to attach your photos (1 to 4 pieces) to it!!

We are looking forward to being contacted from you. Thank you very much!

NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

私たちは、「野球を世界的に盛り上げていくために自分たちが何ができるか」を考え、行動する者たちの集まりです。We are a Japanese taskforce to work for the globalisation of baseball.


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