パートナー紹介2:ヴァルター・ケラー/Introducing our partners; Walter Keller




 バイエルン州デッゲンドルフ出身。ブンデスリーガの強豪、レーゲンスブルグ・レギオネーレとの関係が深く、野球絡みでは同球団の公式戦において写真撮影を担当することが多い。ブンデスリーガのレギュラーシーズンやポストシーズンはもちろん、レギオネーレがホストチームとなるカップ戦「ブッシュビンダーカップ(大会名称は球団のメインスポンサーであるBuchbinder Autovermietungに由来)」でも撮影を担当。

 当サイトのトップページにおけるバナー写真、そしてBasbalo Europe 2016本編に登場するレギオネーレのユニークなスペシャルユニフォームを映した1枚は、彼の提供によるものだ。このユニフォームはブッシュビンダーカップ限定で着用されるもの。実に独特なデザインが施されているのだが、興味がある人はぜひ本書をダウンロードして確かめてみてほしい。


2. Walter Keller

 Walter hails from Deggendorf city of Bavaria state. He is well known as working together with Bundesliga powerhouse Regensburg Legionaere, that he is handling the photo shooting of their games. He takes photos not only at the regular season games and post seasons, but also at "Buchbinder Cup," which is a small tournament hosted by Legionaere and their sponsoring company "Buchbinder Autovermietung."

 The banner photo for the top page of this website was provided from his gallery. Also, he has shared another shot which shows the special, unique designed uniform of Legionaere which is only used at Buchbinder Cup. If you are interested in how it looks like, please download your copy to check it out.

 While Walter is serving as photographer, he also has many other sides. He's a father of a 7 years and 3 months old child, and he loves cycling a lot; we can see how he's addicted it from his profile photo of Facebook wearing a cycling helmet. Also, he's a big fan of MLB as well. He's not only working in the European baseball community, but hoping for the development of the sport itself.

NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

私たちは、「野球を世界的に盛り上げていくために自分たちが何ができるか」を考え、行動する者たちの集まりです。We are a Japanese taskforce to work for the globalisation of baseball.


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