パートナー紹介1:アイリス・ドロブニー/Introducing our partners; Iris Drobny
Basbalo Europe 2016の制作にあたっては、欧州側からも多大なご協力をいただきました。今回から3度にわたって、本プロジェクトにご協力いただいた写真家の皆さん(いずれもドイツのご出身です)を簡単ではありますがご紹介していきたいと思います。
Basbalo Europe 2016では表紙写真など計5点を提供。Global Baseballの公式Facebookページ(https://www.facebook.com/globalbaseball.jp/)で使用しているヘッダー写真も彼女の提供によるものです。
Editing of Basbalo Europe 2016 was not accomplished only with the efforts of Global Baseball. Instead, there were tremendous support and help provided by the European baseball people. From now on, we are going to introduce our partners in three sections. Three German photographers will be featured this time.
1. Iris Drobny
Iris is one of the few examples of female photographers who are working on the sport of baseball. While she is also shooting photos on handball or fencing games, she settles baseball as her main topic when she is working for sports. She also takes landscapes, city photos and portraits for commercial as well.
Iris started to have ties with baseball world 12 years ago. This was kind a miracle story, when his oldest son found a guy stealing CD's from the car of a female coach working for Stuttgart Reds on the way to an American football game. Her first attempt to take "baseball photo" was done when his son's team celebrated their first victory.
Now, she's taking photos at the Bundesliga games of Stuttgart Reds, regardless of the senior team and junior team. She takes about 1000 photos at the single game day. She's really hard working to understand the games, and nowadays she can occasionally understand some block signs by the coaches.
Iris provided 5 photos for Basbalo Europe 2016. Both photos used for the top page of our book and the official Facebook page of Global Baseball (https://www.facebook.com/globalbaseball.jp/) are from her own galleries.