北海道コミティア8に出展します/We'll participate in Hokkaido COMITIA 8

  NO BORDERZ BASEBALLはこの度、来る6/17に北海道のホテルさっぽろ芸文館3階で開催される「北海道コミティア8」に参加することになりました。同イベントへの出店は、2016年の団体創設以来初となります。

 今回のイベントでは、先月開催された東京野球ブックフェアでも販売したBasbaloシリーズ既刊3冊(Basbalo Europe, Basbalo Nederlands & Belgie/Belgique, Basbalo Italia)に加え、現在鋭意製作中の新刊となるドイツ編「Basbalo Deutschland(バズバーロ・ドイチュラント)」、さらに同イベントでご好評いただいた野球フィンランド代表グッズを販売する予定です。北海道の国際野球ファンの皆様、この機会に是非ブースで当日お会いしましょう。


 We NO BORDERZ BASEBALL will participate in an sales event named "Hokkaido COMITIA 8," which will be held on June 17th at Hotel Sapporo Geibunkan. This is our very first time to take part in this event since our foundation in 2016.

 This time, we are going to sell the Basbalo Series (Basbalo Europe, Basbalo Nederlands & Belgie/Belgique, Basbalo Italia) that we've already published at Tokyo Baseball Book Fair, and new items will be added to our line-up this time. The brand new "Basbalo Deutschland" which is now under construction, and some apparel merchandise of Finnish national baseball team which was really popular at the past event is going to join.

 Finnish merchandise will also be sold at our online store (https://globalbb.thebase.in/) as soon as it is handed to us. We used to sell only these Basbalo guidebooks at our store, and it will be our very first attempt to sell these apparels there. At the Tokyo Book Fair, these were so popular among the fans that it sold out so soon, and many fans unfortunately couldn't buy their own pieces. This time, we have ordered them more than we sold at the event. We will make announcement of the sales when it gets started, so stay tuned!

NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

私たちは、「野球を世界的に盛り上げていくために自分たちが何ができるか」を考え、行動する者たちの集まりです。We are a Japanese taskforce to work for the globalisation of baseball.


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