東京野球ブックフェア2018に出展します/We'll participate in Tokyo Baseball Bookfair 2018


 弊団体が本イベントに出展するのは、世田谷ものづくり学校で開催された昨年度に続き2年連続2度目。今回は既刊「Basbalo Europe 2016」「Basbalo Nederlands & Belgie/Belgique 2017」の初版&内容を最新のものに更新した再編集版に加え、新たに新刊となるイタリア編「Basbalo Italia 2018」を引っ提げて参戦する予定です。製作にあたっては、日本でも著名なあの選手を含め現地で実際に活動されている方々から多大なご協力をいただきました。




 We Global Baseball are going to participate in "Tokyo Baseball Bookfair 2018," which is going to be held on upcoming March 25th at Ochanomizu Sola City Plaza.

 This is the second time for us to take part in this event since last year, which was held at Ikejiri Institute of Design. This time, we are going to sell the Basbalo series; both the original and remixed edition of "Basbalo Europe 2016," "Basbalo Nederlands &Belgie/Belgique 2017," and the brand new Italian edition "Basbalo Italia 2018." We have got some kind help and support from the people working in the community, including the player who's also well known among Japanese baseball fans as well.

 Besides, we are also going to sell some apparel items which motifs Finnish national baseball team, which would be the only opportunity that you can buy it. Baseball caps and T-shirts will be include in the lineup. We are looking forward to seeing you at the fiesta!

Ochanomizu sola City Plaza


NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

私たちは、「野球を世界的に盛り上げていくために自分たちが何ができるか」を考え、行動する者たちの集まりです。We are a Japanese taskforce to work for the globalisation of baseball.


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