東京野球ブックフェアに参加しました/We took part in Tokyo Baseball Bookfair


今回販売したのは、昨年より電子書籍形態で販売を進めていた既刊「Basbalo Europe 2016」の製本版。これまでは、タブレット等の電子媒体でしかお読みいただけなかった本作が、総ページ数48にわたる紙媒体の書籍に生まれ変わりました。スタッフ一同にとって、非常に感慨深いものとなったのは言うまでもありません。



We Global Baseball had an opportunity to sell some printed edition of "Basbalo Europe 2016" at Tokyo Baseball Bookfair which took place on March 11th and 12th at Ikebukuro Institute of Design.

This time, Basbalo was recreated as a printed book which consists of 48 pages. It was nothing but a positive moment for all of our staffs indeed.

We could share the space with other exhibitors which showed up the sport of baseball from really interesting angle; it was really a stimulating experience for us. We must thank all guests and event staffs who should have had busy days for preparation. Thank you very much everyone!

Now, we are planning to start the online shipping service of printed Basbalo. Stay tuned for additional announcement of the opening day!
NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

NO BORDERZ BASEBALL Official website

私たちは、「野球を世界的に盛り上げていくために自分たちが何ができるか」を考え、行動する者たちの集まりです。We are a Japanese taskforce to work for the globalisation of baseball.


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